2019년 6월 24일 월요일

python pymssql procedure call - callproc - output parameter - 2 cases (set only, set-select)

 mssql procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_name]
@pnum int null,
@pstr nvarchar(50) null,
@rnum int null output,
@rstr nvarchar(50) null output


set @rnum = @pnum + 10;
set @rstr = 'passed:' + @pstr;
        -- case 1. no select
-- case 2. SELECT @rnum as result_number, @rstr as result_string

--- python - pymssql

#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import pymssql

connection = pymssql.connect('ip address', 'user', 'password', "database")
cursor = connection.cursor()

params = (1, 'str', pymssql.output(int,0), pymssql.output(str,''))
respose = cursor.callproc('dbo.proc_name',params)

print response
print response[2]
print response[3]

for row in cursor:
print row[0]
print row[1]

============================= result compare

case 1.
(1, 'str', 10, u'passed:str')
case 2.
(1, 'str', 0, '')
<--- ''

2019년 4월 9일 화요일

Jeffery Bezos - money from every packet.

What was shown to him in the capital investment company?
In 1999, while watching the Internet, he was worried about leaving.
What he was worried about ...

Whatever he thinks is his final goal - whether he is aware or not.

MONEY ... Always money. 

Amazon's success, Bezos's success.
A normal business. Great success.

bla bla.......


Squeeze the money from every packet.
It's not the last skill yet.

Just like everything using made by him.
Big money makes Big Myth.

Even so, Bezos (Next gen. Bill? - too dense.) is a demon that is said to be good.
More evil, more malicious devils flooding ...

Just the mouthpiece is a mythical piece.
Immobile - from the barbs of greed or prey - Cage farm. Human society. <- Plat form. Pan

Thinking ___ Jeffery __with Worship and praise.

A world that is diligently ruining - Useless and powerless...

I pant at the land that is more naughty and evil than evil,
so many devils,
so ... curse you ... its not an order.

How could a human being ... penny bet on not a human.

Will humans live on this earth?

The devil has a baby to shows the pattern,
humans are going to become a cocoon to leave this world.

2019년 3월 28일 목요일

인간이 짐승과 다른 점은 - 없다.

있는 것 같나?

노자, 석가같은 류의 삶을 살다간 이들로 꽃을 삼지 말라.

짐승만도 못한 경우도 많고 대개는 비슷하다.

인간이란 것들이 사회라고 일컫는 것도
탐욕의 그 탐욕에 강요당하는 관점으로 보면
벗어나지 못할 구조를 지옥과도 같이 진저리처지는 허상일지도..
이 허상스러운 것을 인지하고 벗어나려 하면
인간이란 동물의 몸의 생존에 필요한 것들은 모두
울타리 가두거나 미늘을 꽂아 아무짓도 못하게 되어 있다.
거대한 도시는 벗어나지 못하는 거대한 감옥같다.

지능이 좋다는 것???

지능이 뭐냐...
그렇다면 그 지능이란 것은 어떻게 나타나게 되었는가....